309 people killed in 2009 by mafia 666 from Italy Israel Romania after ancient theological program

  1. 309 people killed in 2009 by mafia 666 from Italy Israel Romania after ancient theological program
    309 people killed in 2009 by mafia 666 from Italy Israel Romania after ancient theological program

    youtu.be/WKvodIrjNLo facebook.com/groups/BodyInfinitiSphereLoveYouGodsEves/ wuala.com/esgseis ADD GROUP YOUR LIST! ADD TRUTH ALL GODS EVES AND SOULS! Body Infiniti Sphere Bless Us Gods Eves idiots. I am the first and the last prophet at the Body Infinite Sphere Big Holy Spirit. Others are prophets at mafia pineal gland and god stick eagle snake 666. Because I am Body Infiniti Sphere Big Holy Spirit, I wash your pineal gland from the attacks of thoughts at God 666 and his angels, lifted in tops of pyramids: politics, theology, tv, media, economy, natural resources, social profit, court. The most beautiful spectacle, infinite time and space. Today, I connect your thoughts to something valuable and unique. The only thing where you do not waste your time, and you will be happy, satisfied, rewarded
    Project by billions euro. millions killed. billion maimed. 7000 years. censor. 309 people killed in 2009 by mafia 666 from Italy Israel Romania after ancient theological program. key ROMANIA Roman SromaN SeveN SisraelN. Six death threats against me in 2012. January February 2012 two cousins in a contract. Beneficiary stands in front of the Church of Scientology. An employee has parents killed by carbon monoxide. Another contributor, cousin with it, they killed his child in february 2012 in France. Laurana street, killed a family of Ecuadorians at 3:30. Melissa Bassi killed on 20.05.2012 ,16 year, with 3-cylinder gas bomb. 07/13/2012 killed my father. Petrache Baetel. Villa 13 Alley Grivitei. Romania. My cousin killed in gas cylinder explosion. Marcel Shepherd. 08.08.2012. Son of Maria Shepherd. In Austria Wien, a work colleague of my brother, was killed crushed by a truck, two days after his return from the funeral. Threats with dead against me, by killing to those around me. Mafia: devil 666 111 13 Italy Israel Vatican England America Islam prohibits knowing the truth, prohibits eternal life, prohibits knowing our mother and our father body infinite sphere! Project: To steal infinite time and space. To steal eternal life. To replace our father and our mother body infiniti sphere. To steal eternal infinite order. To keep sequestered in prisons pyramid made of: alphabets, natural resources, social profit, feelings, songs at calf snake eagle lamb, gods, homo sapiens, lies. QQQ: Antivirus firewall antimafia666

    Progetto criminale censurato. Miliardi di euro. Milioni ucisi. Milioni mutilati. 309 persone uccise nel 2009, dalla mafia 666 da Italia Israele Romania dopo antico programma teologico. La chiave ROMANIA Roman SromaN SeveN SisraelN. Sei minacce di morte contro di me nel 2012. Gennaio febbraio 2012 due cugini da un contratto. Beneficiario si trova di fronte alla Chiesa di Scientology. Un collaboratore ha genitori uccisi dal monossido di carbonio. Un altro collaboratore, cugino di primo, gli hanno ucciso il figlio nel febbraio 2012 in Francia. In strada Laurana, hanno ucciso una famiglia di ecuadoriani alle 3:30. Melissa Bassi uccisa i...

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    Last Post by censornews il 5 Feb. 2013

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